Syncing Stock and Account Balances with Empress Perpetual Inventory



In the world of business, ensuring the accuracy of your stock and financial data is vital. Empress, a powerful business management software, offers a feature called Perpetual Inventory to help you maintain this accuracy. This feature, when enabled, requires your Stock Ledger and Stock Account balances to be in sync. This guide will guide you through the process, should you encounter any discrepancies between these two balances, causing a validation error.

What is Perpetual Inventory?

Perpetual Inventory is a feature in Empress designed to give you real-time updates on your stock and account balances. It works by automatically updating your Stock Ledger (your record of stock) and your Stock Account balance (your record of financial transactions) every time a transaction occurs. This ensures that your inventory and financial data is always accurate and up-to-date.

Understanding the Validation Error

The validation error that you may encounter is simply Empress’s way of letting you know that there is a discrepancy between your Stock Ledger and Stock Account balance. This discrepancy can occur due to previous entries, and it needs to be resolved for you to continue with your transactions.

Resolving the Discrepancy

To resolve this discrepancy and synchronize your stock balance and stock account balance, you’ll need to create a Journal Entry. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. From the validation error message, click on the “Create a Journal Entry Button”.
  2. Once you’ve clicked on the button, you’ll be able to update the relevant accounts.
  3. After updating the accounts, submit your Journal Entry.

By following these steps, you will align your Stock Ledger and Stock Account balance, effectively resolving the validation error.

Importance of Synchronizing Your Balances

It’s important to ensure that your Stock Ledger and Stock Account balances are in sync to avoid validation errors in future transactions. This not only ensures the accuracy of your data but also allows for smooth and uninterrupted business operations.


By understanding how to synchronize your stock balance and stock account balance in Empress, you can ensure smooth and accurate business operations. Remember, the key to avoiding these validation errors is to ensure your Stock Ledger and Stock Account balances correspond. If you need further assistance or have any questions, consider reaching out to Empress Support or explore the additional resources available on the Empress website.