Tracking Employee Hours with Empress Timesheets



Timesheets in Empress provide a powerful tool for tracking and managing how your employees allocate their time across various tasks or projects. This feature allows businesses to accurately calculate billable hours, determine payrolls, and track project contributions, aiding in a more efficient and cost-effective operations management.

To access the Timesheet feature in Empress, follow this pathway:

Home > Projects > Time Tracking > Timesheet

Creating a Timesheet

Creating a new Timesheet is a straightforward process. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Timesheet list and select New.
  2. Input the company name and the employee code.
  3. In the ‘Time Sheets’ field, enter the following details:
  • Activity Type: The type of activity the employee is performing.
  • From Time: The start date and time of the activity.
  • Hrs: The total hours dedicated to this activity, which can span over multiple days.
  • Project: Link the Timesheet to a specific project, if applicable.
  • Bill: Tick this box if the Timesheet is billable.
  1. To add more activities, click ‘Add Row’.
  2. Save your entries.
  3. After saving, the Start Date, End Date, and Total Working Hours will update automatically based on your inputs. Click Submit to finalize the Timesheet.

Creating a Timesheet from a Task

You can also create a Timesheet directly from a specific Task:

  1. Go to the Task for which you want to create a Timesheet.
  2. Under the Activity section on the Dashboard, find ‘Timesheet’. Click the ‘+’ icon to go to the Timesheet creation page.
  3. Follow the steps outlined above to complete the Timesheet.

Using the Timer in Timesheet

The Timer function in Timesheets records actual time spent on a particular activity. Here’s how to use it:

  • In a Timesheet, click Start Timer. A dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter:
    • Activity Type: The activity you’ll be timing.
    • Project: The project for which you’re timing the activity.
    • Task: The specific task you’ll be timing.
    • Expected Hrs: The estimated time for the task.
  • When the task is done, click Complete. This will create a new entry in the Timesheet, recording the time in the Time Sheets Table.
  • If the time taken exceeds the ‘Expected Hrs’, you’ll receive an alert.

Additional Timesheet Options

When expanding a Time Sheet, you can input more details:

  • Expected Hours: The estimated time to complete the tasks.
  • To Time: The end date and time of the activity.
  • Completed: Tick this box if the task was completed during the Timesheet period.
  • Task: Link the Timesheet to a specific task, if applicable.
  • Billing Hours: The hours for which the customer will be billed.
  • Billing Rate: The rate at which the customer will be billed.
  • Costing Rate: The actual cost of work done. It’s derived from the activity cost (per employee) or from activity type and can be modified.
  • Billing Amount: This is auto-calculated based on the billable hours and the billing Rate.
  • Costing Amount: This is auto-calculated based on the number of hours and the costing rate.

Key Features

Billing Details

  • Total Billable Hours: This is auto-fetched from the Timesheet.
  • Total Billable Amount: This is also auto-fetched from the Timesheet.
  • Total Costing Amount: This is fetched from the Timesheet, as specified by the Employee.

Post-Timesheet Submission

After a Timesheet is saved and submitted, the Billing Rate and Costing Rate can’t be changed. However, you can create the following based on the submitted Timesheet:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Salary Slip

Timesheets in Empress enhances your business process by providing an efficient way of tracking and managing work hours, ensuring accurate payroll computations, and facilitating effective project management. For further assistance, visit the Empress support page or contact our support team.