Triple Bottom Brewing and Empress: Partnership Proposal

Triple Bottom Brewing and Empress

Hello Triple Bottom Brewing,

We are Empress, a comprehensive, stress-free business suite designed to simplify and empower business operations. We offer solutions for efficient management, growth, and adaptation, providing a user-friendly suite that integrates seamlessly with existing tools. We pride ourselves on our robust data analytics, workflow design, and customizable experiences that reduce stress in business operations and let companies focus on success. Additionally, we are dedicated to the #DiamondClub initiative, a community-driven movement for global change and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizing innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability.

After learning about your business model and mission, we believe there is strong alignment our values and capabilities and your vision. Here’s how we can work together:

Mutual Business Growth

Your commitment to providing meaningful, living wage jobs and creating an inclusive environment resonates with us. Empress can support these goals by providing a platform that streamlines your business operations, saving you time and resources that can be invested back into your employees and community. Our suite would offer valuable insights into your data, allowing you to make informed decisions about your business growth and efficiency.

#DiamondClub Initiative

Your status as a B Corp and your dedication to justice and inclusion align with our #DiamondClub initiative. By collaborating, we could promote sustainable practices throughout the brewing industry and beyond. We see potential for joint campaigns or events that highlight our shared commitment to inclusivity and sustainable development.

Partnership Opportunities

Empress’s platform could offer Triple Bottom Brewing the opportunity to extend your mission beyond the local level. By integrating our tools into your operations, you could broaden your reach and impact, sharing your unique brewing process and fair chance employment practices with a wider audience.

In return, Triple Bottom Brewing’s focus on local partnerships could offer Empress the opportunity to further embed ourselves within local communities. Your experience with neighborhood events, fundraisers, and local partnerships could provide valuable insights as we continue to grow and adapt our #DiamondClub initiative.

We invite you to learn more about Empress and what we can offer at our website. We believe a partnership Triple Bottom Brewing and Empress could create a powerful synergy, driving both business growth and societal impact.

We look forward to the possibility of serving up a better future together.


Empress Team