Understanding and Implementing Audit Trail in Empress Framework


Audit Trail is a powerful feature in the Empress framework that allows developers to track and visualize changes made to a submittable doctype across multiple revisions. This feature becomes particularly important when dealing with submittable documents that have been cancelled and amended. In such cases, using the standard Version doctype for change tracking can become cumbersome due to the alteration of the document’s name. With Audit Trail, developers can easily view up to 5 previously amended versions of a submittable doctype.

Key Functionalities

The primary functionalities provided by the Audit Trail feature can be broken down into the following core elements:

  1. Document Type Selection: Select the type of the document in the Doctype field.

  2. Document Selection: Select the name of the document in the Document field.

  3. Date Range Selection: Optionally, you can select a date range to filter the amended documents within a specific timeframe.

  4. Comparison Execution: Click on the ‘Compare’ button to view the Audit Trail for the selected document.

Implementation Details

The implementation of the Audit Trail feature involves three major components. These are: Fields Changed, Rows Updated, and Rows Added/Removed.

  1. Fields Changed: This component showcases the values for the fields that have been changed across the different versions of the document. The comparison is presented in a user-friendly format, making it easy to identify and understand the changes made.

  2. Rows Updated: This component focuses on the changes made to the child table fields across different versions of the document. It provides a detailed view of the updates, helping developers track even the smallest modifications.

  3. Rows Added/Removed: This component displays the rows that have been added or removed for every child table across the different versions of the document.

User Roles and Permissions

As with any feature embedded within the Empress framework, the Audit Trail tool is governed by user roles and permissions. This ensures that the feature is used responsibly, and sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access. Developers can configure these settings based on the specific needs of their project.

Debugging and Modification

The Audit Trail feature comes with a robust debugging and modification mechanism. This allows developers to fine-tune the feature’s functionality, integrate it seamlessly with other system components, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during its operation.


In conclusion, the Audit Trail feature provides a comprehensive solution for tracking changes to a submittable doctype across multiple amended versions. It offers a range of functionalities that can be easily integrated into any software development project, enhancing the customization and development of business solutions. With Audit Trail, developers have a powerful, user-friendly tool at their disposal that simplifies the task of change tracking and elevates the overall software development process.