Unleashing Empress Sales Reports for Business Growth


Understanding your sales performance is crucial for the growth of your business. Empress provides user-friendly tools to help you monitor, analyze and improve your sales performance. This guide will guide you through the key features of Empress Sales Reports, focusing on the Sales Analytics Report, Sales Funnel Report, and Customer Acquisition and Loyalty Report.

Sales Analytics Report

Let’s begin with the Sales Analytics Report. This report offers a comprehensive view of your sales data, allowing you to customize and filter information as needed.

To access the Sales Analytics Report, follow this path:

  • Selling > Analytics > Sales Analytics

This report is divided into three main sections:

  1. Filter Toolbar Window - This is where you select the data to be included in the report. You can refine this data using the dropdown menu, with changes reflected instantly in the Data and Graph Windows.

  2. Data Window - Here, you can choose specific data points for detailed analysis. Empress allows you to compare different levels of data, giving you flexibility in your report analysis.

  3. Graph Window - This is where your data is visually represented. By clicking the ‘Set Chart’ button, you can define values for the X and Y fields, choose chart types, and select colors for the graph.

Sales Funnel Report

Next is the Sales Funnel Report. This report provides a clear picture of your sales pipeline, showing the progression of leads through four key stages:

  • Active Leads - All your leads across all stages.
  • Opportunities - Leads that have been converted into opportunities.
  • Quotation - Number of leads for which a quotation has been submitted.
  • Converted - Leads that have resulted in a quotation and a sales order.

You can access the Sales Funnel Report under Selling > Analytics. Once you select a date range, the graph will update to reflect the changes.

Customer Acquisition and Loyalty Report

Lastly, the Customer Acquisition and Loyalty Report offers insights into your revenue from new and existing customers, helping you understand and enhance customer loyalty.

To view this report, navigate to Selling > Analytics.

Within this report, you can:

  • Use the Filter Window to apply company and date range filters.
  • Use the Data Window to rearrange columns, sort data, and apply instant filters for quick analysis.


Through these features, Empress Sales Reports empower you to analyze your sales performance in a user-friendly interface. This allows you to make data-driven decisions, track your progress, and develop strategies for business growth.

For further assistance, refer to the Empress support resources or contact our customer service team. Happy analyzing!