Unlocking Efficiency with Empress' Timesheet Locking Feature


Welcome to this Empress guide, where we will guide you through the process of implementing date-based timesheet restrictions. This feature, known as Timesheet Locking, is especially useful for organizations that want to maintain a consistent schedule for timesheet submissions.

Importance of Timesheet Locking

From a business perspective, Timesheet Locking can significantly enhance the efficiency of project management and payroll processes. It helps ensure that all timesheet entries are completed by a specific day of the week, which in turn can streamline payroll computations and project management tasks.

Setting up Timesheet Locking

With Timesheet Locking, you can limit the ability to edit or add timesheet entries to specific user roles. For example, you might want to allow only the ‘Project Manager’ role to modify timesheets for days prior to the most recent Friday.

To achieve this, Empress uses a custom script that triggers when a timesheet is validated. This script checks if the current user holds the ‘Project Manager’ role. If not, the script identifies the date of the most recent Friday and restricts the user from adding or modifying timesheet entries for any date prior to this.

Using Timesheet Locking

Once the Timesheet Locking feature is set up, it operates seamlessly in the background. If a user without the ‘Project Manager’ role attempts to edit or add a timesheet entry for a date prior to the most recent Friday, they will receive an error message. This message advises them to contact their Project Manager, ensuring that timesheet modifications are handled by authorized personnel.

Key Benefits of Timesheet Locking

Timesheet Locking can greatly enhance your business operations in several ways:

  • Consistency: It ensures a regular schedule for timesheet submissions, facilitating smooth and consistent payroll and project management processes.
  • Control: It provides better control over timesheet modifications by restricting the ability to edit or add entries to specific user roles.
  • Efficiency: It improves operational efficiency by automating the process of timesheet restrictions based on the date.


By integrating the Timesheet Locking feature into your Empress setup, you can effectively manage your timesheet entries and improve your business processes. For additional support or resources, please contact the Empress support team.