Unlocking Employee Efficiency with Empress' Earned Leaves



In the world of business, managing employee leave is a critical task. Empress offers a feature named Earned Leaves, which allows you to easily set up and allocate leaves to your employees. This guide will guide you through the process of configuring this feature and utilizing it to streamline your business operations.

Getting Started

Before you dive into configuring the Earned Leaves feature, make sure you have set up these essential components in Empress:

  • Leave Type: This is the category that describes the nature of the leave, for example, vacation, sick leave, or personal time off.

  • Leave Period: This refers to the specific duration during which leave can be taken. It gives a clear understanding of when employees can apply for and take their leaves.

  • Leave Policy: This is your company’s set of rules and guidelines on how leaves are granted. It includes details like the number of leaves employees can take and the conditions under which they can take them.

  • Leave Policy Assignment: This is the procedure of assigning specific leave policies to individual employees or groups.

Configuring Earned Leaves

Once you have the above prerequisites set up, you can begin to configure the Earned Leaves feature:

  1. Leave Allocation: When you create a Leave Policy Assignment, associated Leave Allocations are automatically generated. These allocations are updated with leaves at intervals determined by your selected ‘Earned Leave Frequency’.

    • Note: A Leave Allocation Schedule will only be created for Leave Types that have a ‘Monthly’ Earned Leave Frequency.
  2. Manual Leave Allocation: In case the automatic leave allotment process encounters any issues, an email notification will be sent to users with the ‘HR Manager’ role. These users can then manually allocate leaves by clicking the ‘Allocate Leaves Manually’ button. After clicking this button, a dialog box will appear, with the ‘New Leaves to be Allocated’ field already filled with the monthly number of leaves to be allocated.


By using the Earned Leaves feature in Empress, you can easily manage leave allocations and track earned leaves within your organization. This feature simplifies leave management, making it easier for you to focus on other important business operations.

If you need further assistance or have questions, please refer to our additional resources or reach out to our support team.