Unlocking Empress's Frozen Fields for Accurate Stock Data


Welcome to our guide on how to handle frozen fields in Empress, specifically within the Item Master. Empress is designed to ensure accuracy and prevent discrepancies in your stock records. As part of this, certain fields are frozen, or locked, to prevent changes once a stock ledger entry for an item has been created. Understanding this feature is crucial for maintaining accurate and reliable stock data.

Understanding Frozen Fields

In Empress, you might notice that some fields in your Item Master become uneditable or ‘frozen.’ This typically happens once an item has a stock ledger entry. The fields that can become frozen include:

  1. Maintain Stock
  2. Has Batch No.
  3. Has Serial No.

These fields are frozen to prevent changes that could lead to stock discrepancies. For instance, for items with serial numbers, the stock level is calculated based on the count of available serial numbers. If you were to change the item to ‘non-serialized’ midway, it could cause inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the reported stock level. Therefore, the Has Serial No. field is frozen to prevent such disruptions.

Making Changes to Frozen Fields

To edit these frozen fields, you’ll need to delete all stock transactions for the respective item. If the item has Serial or Batch numbers, these records should be deleted as well. Once this is done, the fields will become editable again, allowing you to make necessary changes.

Please handle these fields with care. They play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of your stock data and ensuring consistency across all your reports and records.


Understanding and managing the frozen fields feature in Empress is essential for maintaining accurate stock records, a critical aspect of business operations. By carefully managing these fields, you can ensure your stock data remains reliable, contributing to efficient and effective business practices.

For further assistance or resources, please consult our user-friendly Empress support guides, or get in touch with our dedicated support team.