Unlocking Enhanced Inventory Management with Empress


Welcome to this Empress guide designed specifically for business users. Today, we’ll learn how to enable Batched or Serialized Inventory Tracking, a powerful feature in the Empress environment that can greatly enhance your business’s inventory management.

Understanding Batched or Serialized Inventory Tracking

In Empress, Batched or Serialized Inventory Tracking is a feature designed to help businesses keep track of their stock in a detailed manner. This feature assigns a unique batch number or serial number to each stock item, enabling precise tracking and management.

This can be particularly useful in situations where you need to recall a specific batch of items, or need to track the lifespan of individual products.

However, by default, Empress does not allow enabling these options for an item once stock transactions have been made. But don’t worry, there are ways around this limitation!

How to Enable Batched or Serialized Inventory Tracking

Follow these user-friendly steps to activate batched or serialized inventory tracking:

  1. Deplete Current Stock: First, you need to get the stock of the current item down to zero. You can use Empress’s Stock Reconciliation Tool for this, or alternatively, create a ‘Material Issue’ type stock entry to reduce the item’s stock.

  2. Inward Serialized Inventory: Once the current stock is fully depleted, the next step is to add the new, serialized inventory. Do this by creating a ‘Material Receipt’.

  3. Disable Old Items: With the new serialized stock in place, go ahead and disable the old items. This will prevent them from popping up in future transactions.

Important Note: If you want to keep using the same item code, you’ll have to rename the old items first. Then, when you create the new serialized item, you can use the original item code. If you skip this step, the system will create a new item code.


By following these steps, you will be able to bypass Empress’s default settings and activate batched or serialized inventory tracking for your items, no matter how many stock transactions have already taken place. This will allow you to enjoy enhanced inventory management, with the ability to track even the smallest details of your stock.

Remember to take care with item codes to ensure accurate tracking. Happy inventory managing!

For any further non-technical support or resources, feel free to visit the Empress support page or contact our friendly customer service team.