Unlocking Sales Forecasting with Empress Pipeline Analytics

In this guide, we will be exploring the Sales Pipeline Analytics feature in Empress. Designed with business users in mind, this feature helps you visualize your sales pipeline, track opportunities, and forecast revenue, all in a user-friendly interface.

What is Sales Pipeline Analytics?

Sales Pipeline Analytics is a tool within the Empress CRM suite that lets you analyze your sales opportunities and forecast potential revenue. This feature allows you to view, edit, sort, and track information about all your sales opportunities, making it simpler and more efficient to manage your sales pipeline.

Why is it Important?

From a business perspective, managing and analyzing your sales pipeline is crucial for forecasting sales and planning for growth. With Sales Pipeline Analytics, you can:

  • View a snapshot of your sales pipeline at any given time
  • Track sales opportunities and their progress
  • Predict potential revenue based on current opportunities
  • Sort and filter opportunities based on various parameters

Getting Started

To access the Sales Pipeline Analytics tool, navigate to the CRM module on your Empress dashboard, and select Sales Pipeline Analytics from the reports section.

Using Sales Pipeline Analytics

Viewing Information

Once you’re in the Sales Pipeline Analytics tool, you’ll see a table with all your sales opportunities. Each row represents a different opportunity, and the columns display details about each one, such as the stage of the sales process, potential revenue, expected close date, and more.

Editing and Sorting Information

You can click on any row to view more details about that opportunity, and make edits if necessary. You can also sort the table by any column—just click on the column’s header.

Tracking Progress

Sales Pipeline Analytics automatically updates to reflect changes in your sales opportunities. This means you can track the progress of each opportunity in real-time, and see how these changes affect your potential revenue.

User Roles and Permissions

The Sales Pipeline Analytics feature is accessible to users with the Sales User or Sales Manager roles. This ensures that only relevant personnel have access to sensitive sales data.


Sales Pipeline Analytics is a powerful tool for any business. It simplifies the process of managing your sales pipeline and forecasting revenue, ultimately helping you make more informed business decisions.

For more information about using Empress, visit our support page or contact our support team directly. Happy analyzing!