Unveiling Empress: Tracking Engaged Prospects for Conversion

Welcome to this user-friendly guide on the Prospects Engaged But Not Converted Report feature in Empress. This feature is an essential tool for any business user looking to track and analyze leads that have been engaged but unfortunately have not converted into customers.


From a business perspective, the Prospects Engaged But Not Converted Report feature allows you to gain insights into potential sales opportunities that might have been missed. The feature is ideal for identifying trends, pointing out strategies that may need to be adjusted, and finding ways to reconnect with these prospects.

Primary Functions and Benefits

This feature has several key functions that can significantly benefit your everyday business operations:

  • View Prospects: View a comprehensive list of all leads that your business has engaged with but have not yet converted into customers.
  • Sort Prospects: Sort this list based on various parameters, such as the date of engagement, the salesperson who engaged with the prospect, or the reason the prospect was not converted.
  • Track Information: Keep track of all the relevant information about these prospects, such as their contact details, the products or services they were interested in, and any notes or comments made during the engagement process.

User Roles and Permissions

The Prospects Engaged But Not Converted Report feature is accessible to the following user roles:

  • Sales User: A Sales User can view and edit the report.
  • Sales Manager: In addition to viewing and editing, a Sales Manager can also sort and track information in the report.
  • System Manager: A System Manager has all the above permissions and can also manage user roles and permissions for this feature.

How to Use the Feature

To use the Prospects Engaged But Not Converted Report feature, simply go to the ‘CRM’ module in Empress, then click on ‘Reports’. Here, you will find the ‘Prospects Engaged But Not Converted’ report.


The Prospects Engaged But Not Converted Report feature is an invaluable tool for enhancing your business processes. It provides a clear picture of potential opportunities and helps in strategizing better sales techniques. By using this feature, you can ensure that no lead goes unnoticed and every opportunity is capitalized on.

For additional support, please refer to the Empress User Guide or contact our support team. Happy tracking!