Using Empress Batch Feature for Efficient Inventory Management


Welcome to the guide on how to use the Batch feature in Empress. This feature is a powerful tool for managing multiple units of an item, giving you the ability to group them together and assign a unique value, number, or tag known as a Batch No. This is especially important for businesses managing items that are batched together.

Batch numbers are a critical part of every stock transaction in Empress, whether they’re manually or automatically maintained. They’re incredibly useful when you need to set an expiry date for multiple items, or when you’re moving groups of items between warehouses.

Accessing the Batch Feature

To start using the Batch feature, first go to: Home > Stock > Serial No and Batch > Batch

Setting Up the Batch Feature

Before you can create and use a Batch, you’ll need to first create an Item in Empress. Then, enable the ‘Has Batch No’ option in the Item master.

Creating a New Batch

When you want to group an item into a batch, ensure that the “Has Batch No” field is checked in the Item master. If you didn’t choose the “Automatically Create New Batch” option when creating an item, you’ll need to manually create Batches as you go along.

Here’s how you can create a new Batch No. master for an item:

  1. Go to the Batch list and click on New.
  2. Set your Batch ID.
  3. Select the Item you want to batch.
  4. If you’ve already done a transaction with an item, you won’t be able to set or unset the batch.
  5. Save your changes.

When you’ve enabled Batches for an Item, you’ll also have the option to retain sample stock.

Automatic Batch Creation

If you’d like to create batches automatically at the time of Purchase Receipt, make sure to select ‘Automatically Create New Batch’ in the Item master.

Using the Batch Feature

Moving and Splitting Batches

Once you’ve created a batch, you can view all the quantities that belong to that batch.

  • To move the batch from one Warehouse to another, simply click on the Move button.
  • If you want to split the batch into smaller ones, click on the Split button. This will create a new Batch based on the original, and the quantities will be divided among the new batches.
  • If you’ve set an expiry date for the batch, it will display ‘Not Expired’ until that date, after which it will show ‘Expired’. If a date hasn’t been set, the Batch will show ‘Not Set’.

Transacting Items with Batches

Before you create a Purchase Receipt, you’ll need to create a Batch master. Therefore, every time you make a Purchase Receipt or Work Order for a batch item, you’ll first create its Batch No, and then select it in the Purchase order or Stock Entry.

Remember to provide the Item’s Batch No during every stock transaction (Purchase Receipt, Delivery Note, Invoice) with a batch item.

Note: In stock transactions, Batch IDs will be filtered based on Item Code, Warehouse, Batch Expiry Date (compared with a Posting date of a transaction) and Actual Qty in Warehouse. When searching for Batch ID without a value in the Warehouse field, the Actual Qty filter won’t be applied.

In conclusion, the Batch feature in Empress offers a powerful tool for managing multiple units of an item, making it easier to manage your inventory, track expiry dates, and move items between warehouses. For further assistance, please refer to additional Empress support resources or contact our support team.