Using Empress' Report Builder for Fiscal Year Invoice Export


In business operations, there are times when you need to export Sales Invoices for a particular fiscal year. Whether for auditing, tax filing, or any other reason, pulling this data quickly and accurately is crucial. Empress provides a user-friendly tool known as the Report Builder to simplify this process. This guide will guide you through the steps to use this feature effectively.

Overview of the Report Builder Tool

The Report Builder tool in Empress is designed to give you control over your data. It allows you to filter, view, and extract transaction data for any specific time period or criterion based on your needs. The primary functions of this tool are:

  • Viewing Data: You can view data from any period or using any criterion you set.
  • Editing Data: You can edit the parameters of your data search to refine the results.
  • Sorting Data: The tool allows you to sort data in a way that makes sense for your needs.
  • Exporting Data: Once you have the data you need, you can export it in your preferred format.

How to Export Sales Invoices

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to export Sales Invoices for a specific fiscal year:

  1. Open the Report Builder tool: Start by launching the Report Builder tool in Empress. This is where you will control the data you want to view and extract.
  2. Filter by Fiscal Year: Navigate to the appropriate section to filter the data by the fiscal year. By doing this, you ensure that only the sales invoices for that particular year are displayed.
  3. Export the Data: Once you’ve filtered the data, you can proceed to export it. The data will be downloaded in your preferred format, allowing you to analyze or store it as needed.

With the Report Builder tool, you can access, filter, and export data with ease. Whether you need to review transactions for the fiscal year-end, audit purposes, or any other reason, this tool simplifies the process, making it straightforward and efficient.


Empress is designed to simplify your business operations, providing you with the tools to manage and analyze your data effectively. The Report Builder tool is just one of the many features available in Empress to help you achieve this. For further assistance or more information on using other features of Empress, you can refer to the user manual or reach out to our support team.