Utilizing Empress' 'Delete Company Transactions' Feature


Welcome to our guide on how to use the Delete Company Transactions feature in Empress. This feature allows you to remove all transaction data associated with your company, such as sales invoices and sales orders, and start over with a clean slate while keeping all your master data (like customers, items, and BOMs) intact.

This feature is particularly useful if you’ve set up all your master data and created a few test records for trial runs. Once you’re ready to go live, you can use this feature to remove those test records and start fresh.

How to Use the Transaction Deletion Tool

The Transaction Deletion Tool is a powerful feature that allows you to erase all records associated with your chosen company, excluding the ones belonging to the document types listed in the Excluded DocTypes table.

Please use this tool with caution. Records removed using this tool cannot be restored. If you’re certain about starting anew, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a new “Transaction Deletion Record” document.
  2. Enter the name of the company whose records you wish to remove.
  3. Adjust the “Excluded DocTypes” table if necessary.
  4. Save and submit.

The Summary table will then display the names of the document types whose records were removed, along with the number of records deleted.

How to Delete Transactions Directly

Alternatively, you can also delete transactions directly. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home > Accounting > Company and find your company.
  2. On the top right, under Manage, you’ll find the Delete Transactions button.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Type in the company name for confirmation.

This action will create a record in the Transaction Deletion Record document type.

User Roles and Permissions

Please note that to use the Delete Company Transactions feature, the user must have the role of System Manager. This ensures that only authorized individuals can perform this operation, maintaining the security and integrity of your company data.


The Delete Company Transactions feature is a valuable tool for businesses to keep their Empress data clean and organized. It allows for a fresh start without losing important master data, providing flexibility and control over your business data.

For additional assistance or more in-depth resources, we encourage you to visit our Empress Support Center or contact our Customer Service team. We’re always here to help you get the most out of Empress for your business.