Visualizing Location Data with Empress Geolocation Field



Welcome to this easy-to-understand guide on the Geolocation Field feature in the Empress Framework! This feature brings a dynamic and visual approach to your location data, perfect for business users in sectors such as real estate and agriculture.

The Geolocation Field serves as an interactive map within your application, allowing you to tag locations, draw boundaries, and customize to suit your business needs. This feature simplifies tasks like property management and land tracking by giving you a visual perspective of the location data.

Using the Geolocation Field

The Geolocation Field is easy to use. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. When designing your form or data structure in Empress, select the Geolocation Field type.
  2. Once selected, an interactive map will appear in the field you’ve designated.
  3. You can zoom in and out of the map for a detailed or broader view of the area.
  4. Click on any location on the map to drop a pin. This pin represents that location and can be moved around the map as needed.
  5. The Geolocation Field also allows you to draw on the map, helping you outline specific areas for easier tracking.

Applications in Business

The Geolocation Field can significantly streamline operations in sectors that heavily rely on location data. For instance, in the Agriculture module, the feature is used within the Land and Land Unit master sections. Users can mark specific plots of land, aiding in tracking usage and yields over time. This visual approach can help improve efficiency and accuracy in business operations.


The Geolocation Field in the Empress Framework is more than just a map display. It provides an interactive, visual, and dynamic solution for location data, enhancing user experience and data visualization. Plus, it brings a modern touch to your application. For further assistance or more information, please visit our support site or contact our customer service team.